
one more time, chuck corea

I've been thinking about loops. About how my mind loops things, and everything is cyclical. I think that's why I almost flunked out of every math class I ever took, unless it was that part in geometry where you get to put rubber bands on the little nail-boards. I can't really think in a straight line. I think that's why I'm fascinated with Howie Day so much, and how the sound keeps coming back around and gets layered and is different while still the same. I'm wondering if its possible with theatre or written stuff, and how it would work and what it would look like. I think if I just sat down and wrote some stream of consciousness crap it would probably be pretty loopy, in more ways than one. Kind of like this post.

So I worked for like 5 jillion hours today and am exhausted and kind of crabby/crappy/creepy. That means its time to hang out with just my bad self and close the downtown Common Grounds in Denver with the little baristas. Quiche is good this time of night, with a healthy dollop of salsa and some weirdness on the side.

Sometimes I wish I was still in high school, when things were simpler and I was worried about stuff like marching band and if my green cords were clean. Then I remember how much that sucked, and I don't really know if there is ever a part that I will completely like. Or if things will just go better and worse, better and worse- somehow different, somehow the same, just a loop running in the background somewhere.

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