
business checking accounts make me want to barf

ok, so I was about to start this off differently, but there is a tall, skinny blond chick with a maroon suede jacket and a leather satchel standing 2 feet away from me, swaying/jerking her hips to the trashy 80's music. Only in capitol hill...

Speaking of which, I'm down at Diedrich, looking like sporty spice, sippin' the mate, and until about 20 minutes ago I was the only lady in the joint. About 15 men, ranging in age from kinderqueer to uncle fag, were scattered about, a few in couples but mostly solitary. But apparently 9 pm on Friday is go time down here.

I'm trying to study for my business class but blah blah business. That's all I have to say about that.

I pretty much got my portfolio compiled tonight for fuller, though, and buddy burned my discs so the tunes are all ready as well. Now I just have to go down to office max and pay 20 bucks to print off a jillion bits of my creative life thus far. Looking at in en masse, I realize how much I've really written. And question it, and feel a tiny bit good about it all. Some of it is bad, but some I honestly can't believe I did, because I like it.

So do I have what it takes to be a grad girl? Only time will tell. I was thinking tonight about why people are bigger now than ever. I mean, maybe we're programming ourselves to be bigger. All of our food is packed with chemicals to make it bigger, so we will buy it instead of some other food. Now we are bigger, and who will buy us?

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