
reception starts with "c"

Today my little bro graduated from Purdue. It was rainy, and cold, and reminded me of my own college commencement, two years ago to the day. Then, I was wearing a pretty summer dress, and strappy shoes, and nearly died of frostbite in the ceremony that lasted approximately 87.3 years. The only thing that saved me: the little hand towels, with "Huntington College Class of 2004" embroidered on them that I draped over my legs. Of course, we each only got one. I took Micheal Szapkiw's, and he wasn't too pleased, but I told him to shut up. Or give me his pants. He chose the former.

On the way up, my mama realized she forgot our tickets at home. Well, there was crying the rest of the way up, and once again, that sixth sense of how I deal with potentially disastrous situations took over. It's like I disassociate with whatever that's going on that I can't control, and get ridiculously calm. I just sat in the backseat, and murmured some stuff that I knew she wouldn't listen to anyway, and then read my book about Mormons some more. (Martha Beck's Leaving The Saints.) Nevertheless, we did get in without issue once we arrived on campus, and enjoyed a 2+ hour ceremony, with pomp & circumstance, videography, tassel shifting, and bad teeth. Ah, academics. I'll never quite get over wanting to stand up and yell "Fire!" in those situations.

Then some family came over (once we got back to town) and we ate some stuff, and then hooped it up in the rain over at the park. Good times. And I'm going to help my grandmother buy a new apple laptop this week, and hook her up with some wireless internet. Everything and everyone is getting so technological, I don't know what to do.

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