
bang a gong

for some reason my browser will not allow me to use an apostrophe. so there will be no contractions in this post. yikes!!!

so what is on my mind then, is that I have this profile on Myspace, and I have been looking around, messaging a couple of folks who are in my prospective track at Fuller, to get their feel for it. as I come across a plethora of Fuller folks, I notice that quite a few of them have one thing in common, which is blatant Christian advertising all over the page. Everything is all about Jesus, all the time. ok, I realize I might come under some fire here for this, but stick with me.

If your life is all about Jesus, do you really need to advertise the fact? Shouldn't (ACK! ACK! THE APOSTROPHE IS WORKING) it be obvious to everyone? Does your headline need to be "soldier for Christ" or "looking for a godly man so I can be submissive" or "I save up all my toenail clippings in a little box so that Jesus can have all of me".... ? (disclaimer, no, these aren't actual headlines. I tamed them down considerably.) What I don't understand is why people do this. Do they think someone will be impacted positively for the gospel through such ridiculousness? Is it an attempt to prove to everyone, their friends, heck themselves, how godly they are? Look at my righteousness. My profile screams evangelical from a mile away. LOOK, PEOPLE! LOOK AT MY RIGHTEOUSNESS! COWER BEFORE ME!!!!!!

I wonder if some people know right off the bat that I believe in God, or if they're left hanging. The fact that I am totally consecrated to God is something I'm secure with, and I guess I don't have a need to smear it carelessly around the internet. Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm all in favor of well-done cyberspace Jesus talk, as can be found at places like Midwest Mindset or John's Blog.

I guess asking for taste and tact from twentysomething christians in the US is just too big of a stretch.


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