

the following is why I love my dad.

*ring, ring*


"hello? who's this?"

"your fairy godmother."

"oh, sweetie! hi!"

"hi bubz."

"is mama there?"

"no, she went shopping with Sharon."

"oh, I thought you went with them?"

"no, just eating."

"oh. where'd you go?"

"TGI Fridays."

"oh boy. what did you eat?"

"Jack Daniels Salmon."

"oh boy. what did mama eat?"

"Jack Daniels burger."

"oh boy. what did Sharon eat?"

"Club Sandwich."

(a beat)

"anything else?"

"Uh, spin dip."

"oohhh..... gross."

(a beat)

"Well have a good day honey."

"you too, dad."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


these ones become the endearing conversations...
these are the best!