So my little brother got a digital camera for Christmas (the sly devil). That's really all this post has to do with him, but I enjoyed the picture. It's time to enjoy family when there really is little else favorable going on.
So, Huntington College (my alma mater, may also fall into the sly devil category though with a different bent) has gone public with their shamelessness. They are kicking Sandy out on his ear. I'm talking about John Sanders, proponent of Open Theism, professor of theology and philosophy at Huntington, a man I feel blessed to know. A man who was also nearly canned by the ETS last year. But he wasn't. We thought that was the end of it, but it wasn't. I personally believe this is one of the worst steps the college could take. Those who are threatened by views other than their own are not living in the life and light that Christ has called us to, that Huntington College seeks to promote. The mantra of the college, even engraved on a little necklace with my graduation year, are the words of Jesus- "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." Those who are responsible for this move are proving themselves against academic and spiritual freedom, and choosing fear, which is alien to a life in Christ. I don't have that much more to say on the subject, just that I grieve with the hammering of one more nail into the coffin of the college I loved.
On a note with Greg Boyd, there always seems to be something familiar in the realm of the new. When I was working at a Starbucks downtown several weeks ago, I sat in the 4am cold with a girl named Jessi, who told me she was a Christian and had served in YWAM for several years. She then cautiously asked me if I knew who Gregory Boyd was. I laughed for a long, long time.
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