
Now here's a good idea

Mega-churches: the thorn in my non-evangelical side. And who are these laughing people, anyway? I bet you 3 lattes from the "Bread of Life Cafe" in the south narthex that they don't even attend here. Hey, at least they're paid to be fake.

Thoughts of the day-
Perhaps I have been asking the wrong question. Who am I supposed to be? not What am I supposed to do?

This modern era of internet and sexual equality and mobility leads me to believe that with the large-scale tragedies we have faced recently, we may also be just getting to the cusp of what life is all about, who God created us to be. We may be able to discover new depths of spirituality, unencumbered by restrictions formerly imposed. But with great blessing may come great responsibility.

Today a man came into my Starbucks in the Springs and told me about his mega-church of 10,000 over on the North-East side of town. I almost visibly shuddered when he began mentioning numbers, and nearly laughed out loud when he (no joke) handed me a half-inch thick book, filled cover to cover with winter 2005 small groups. Yes, you just read that last sentence correctly- it's a small group directory. 1/2 inch. He then proceeded to tell me that they all homeschool their kids because it's unbiblical, and that public schools are a tool of the devil. I felt like calling Kent Hovind and yelling in the phone, Paco Michelson style, "BOOYAH, *censored*!"
He also told me that they segregate themselves from the world, because biblically, you are not supposed to interact with the world as a born again Christian. (!) He said the Holy Spirit leads you to talk with people, but otherwise, you aren't supposed to go preach on the street corner. Not that I am ever an advocate for the latter, but seriously. I almost choked. It turned out to be one more of those occasions in life when I feel myself despising evangelicals. Those are happening more and more frequently- I think I'm going to start filling out forms that my religion is "other" just so I don't have to associate with mindless WWJD bracelet wearers.

Lastly, and most importantly, today I signed the "We Stand for Peace and Justice" statement. Give it a check out, and consider signing.

Well, that's about it for now. If you haven't lately, give "Talkie Walkie" by Air a good listen. You'll be glad you did.

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