
Something New

Because I have rather limited internet access here in Colorado Springs (known locally simply as “the Springs”), I’m planning on typing up my blog in Word and pasting it in & uploading it later. The interesting thing about this is that the word “blog” is not recognized as a word, and is underlined in red by the internal Microsoft dictionary. A sign of the times, my friends.

I feel that I should give some update to all of the people clamoring to know about my current situation. I stayed in Denver until Sunday the ninth, driving down that morning to attend Fresh Wind Community Church, a plant by the Free Methodist Church that is about the size of TOFMC, my hometown church in Three Oaks, MI. (Which means about 60 regular attenders). The pastor tossed me a set of keys after the service which belonged to my totally swank studio apartment. Imagine a bright but dark green, and you will envision my carpet color- totally complimented by a somewhat stained bone-colored leather couch and chair ensemble. Other pluses about the apt. include the décor, which is inclusive of but not limited to a huge painting of cacti over the couch, a glass coffee table with fake ivy underneath it, and a big painted ceramic baby shoe filled with plastic flowers. I’ve hit the jackpot here, people. Not to mention that the elevators smell intermittently like rancid Doritos or chlorine, given the day, and my closet/dressing area/bathroom section of the apartment smells like a combination of cat pee and cigarettes. I’ve bought several vanilla candles which I keep burning whenever I am home.

There are some really great things about the place, however- like the fact that it’s totally free to me. It has a big balcony where my collapsible camping chair and Trek 4300 reside. And the best of all is that the apartment faces the west- the entire west wall is made of glass and sliding glass doors, and I have an incredible view of the mountains during the day and city lights at night. Well, not really city lights. Pseudo-city lights.

I am working at Starbucks, as I posted before- it is only a couple of minutes from my school, which is great. I’d love to get a place on the west side of town, or even in Manitou Springs, so that I could ride my bike to work/school in nice weather. The store is on the extreme west side of town, really nestled right into the foothills. Every time I lean out of the drive through window to hand someone a fattening, expensive drink, I get a breathtaking view of Pike’s Peak.

I wonder sometimes why I get to do this, and other people don’t- or if there is no real reason, other than other people just don’t.

Everything feels right- it feels right to be here, and I’m looking forward to the next year like I have not looked forward to anything in a while. I don’t feel lonely yet- just little twinges like when I talk to Jeff & Emily back home, and we out ourselves on missing each other. I don’t feel any regret for time spent in Indy; I feel totally blessed by the time spent with family and WEMO family. It is simply the right time for something new.

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