
ain't it the truth

So, the news is that it isn't my bike. Now I can say that I've been to Ft. Collins, though. And the drive back, I took 287, and it was amazingly lovely, mid afternoon mountainous sun day. With wild looking mustangs roaming around in seemingly untended feilds, and suddenly I had this epiphany moment and I was a first nations people. I mean, person. And it was nice, I just wish my troops ran on air. Support my troops!

So, I'm determined to continue to be optimistic. I'm so poor and unemployed right now, it's ridiculous. But it doesn't cost me a dime to let people into congested traffic as I merge onto 36. Or smile at people. Or give peace signs randomly, because we should all give peace a chance. And then life gives me presents, like spanish ladies walking down the street, perfectly enunciating their story about their novio into their cell phones. And I get to eavesdrop, in an educational, affectionate sort of way.

And then I realize my brother is so fabulous I almost can't stand it.

Only a few more weeks in Colorado. I miss it already, but I'm going to eat it up like I mean it. I just won't miss the cops.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hold the sunshine in your heart. I love you very much. And I believe in you.