
welcome to wireless city. I am your mayor.

My house just had a wireless baby. My mouse just had a wireless lady.
My louse just went all wireless shady.

Seriously, Buddy called and there is wireless oozing out of our walls. Can you be alliterative with "O"? And when you eat different types of fowl, can you pluralize? When there are many chickens alive, running around, bawking, they are chickens. But once you kill them and are eating them, with your 20 member family so there is lots, is it chicken? Or chickens? Do they teach this subtlety in TOEFL? The same could be true with duck/s, geese/oose, pheasant/s, turkey/s, guinea hen/s, capon/s. Does anybody know for real?

Tonight the Emerson ladies and I (with the exception of Buddy) went to Govinda's, which is the Hare Krishnas' restaurant. Sudarshan (sp?) was there, and there was really good food, totally vegetarian of course. And we talked about Katie's stepmom, and Apple laptops, and little cream of wheat squares. Is it ok to slap forearms on the way in with Sudarshan as he calls out "Krishna"? I'm not sure. But I did, and he smiled at me, and I felt good.

I've felt good all day.


Jenn said...

hello new friend! let me tell you a story from my childhood. in 5th grade i wrote a poem called "Liza Cool" and my teacher really liked it. but, i really meant it to be titled "Lisa Cool" but I didn't know how to spell the name Lisa, so it became Liza. nice to meet you!

Anonymous said...

EVERYTHING MAKES SENSE NOW. i checked out that myspace thing you told me about (those things are a pain man!...still thinking...i might try this site instead) where it much more clearly explains what on EARTH you are talking about with this that wireless thing. sweet dude!