
I will be the answer

1-so, what do you think about gay marriage?

2-do you want an answer you'll agree with, or do you want the truth about how I feel?

1-the truth, of course.

(much blah blah blah, louder blah blah blah ensues)

1-you're wrong. they're all going to hell.

2-I'm done. I can't even.... I should have just said what you wanted to hear. *walking away*

1-where are you going? we were having such a nice conversation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah.... yeah yeah yeah. I just blogged on this matter as well. In the end I found these words a bit of an inspiration for me.

"We must pray for the prophetic spirit
which has been dead for so long in the Churches.
And he who feels that he has been given the prophetic task
must fulfill it as Isaiah did.
He must preach the message of a new justice
and of a new social order in the name of God and His honour."
"The Experience of the Holy" taken from The Shaking of the Foundations (1955)