
one of the weirdest pictures I've ever seen

This morning, when I got to work, I found this picture staring out at me from the cover of the New York Times.

I don't really have anything worthwhile to say about the death of Pope John Paul II, and as I am not a Roman Catholic, I don't feel that it is particularly appropriate for me to speak on the subject anyway. As a world leader known for being fairly progressive, he has my respect. As a man who sought to unite rather than divide, he has my admiration. His desire to consider all devotees of the Roman Catholic religion as equal regardless of continent or station is a model the United States should adopt within our own context.

My only other thought is, this has to be the weirdest picture of the weirdest group of people that I've ever seen.


jonny said...

i could not agree more.

wait a second, what does that mean anyway?

so maybe i do agree more, is that even possible -- to agree with you more than you agree?

or do you even agree in the first place?

i need a hobby.

Liza said...

I think it just means that you can't agree more than me. "i could not agree more." i am the most agreeable with myself.

here's a hobby- leave comments on my blog. you're doing really well at it right now, and it's always good to set the bar low so you're sure you can achieve the goal.

i went to wal mart tonight and almost stepped on a moving pallet jack. at first it was on accident and then i kind of wanted to do it anyway, on purpose. i thought of you and wondered if you use pallet jacks.