
in sickness and mormons

So it's (hopefully) my last week in the Rockies. I don't say that because I am glad; more just because I'm ready to be done with this schooling of mine. I'm tying up loose ends here, and one of the last things I have to do is finish my internship at Pike's Peak Hospice.

I have a cold.

Funny thing about hospices, hospeece, is that they don't let you in when you have some sickness or disease going on in your body. So, I'm not going right now, which sort of puts me even further behind. Farther behind. Does anyone know which one it is? So, I'm just sitting around Brian's, sniffle snuffle-ing, coughing a little and couching a lot. Sometimes I have a peanut, sometimes I have a hummus. That part is nice. And cable. And speedy speederoo internet.

Then yesterday, when I was going out to the store to get some pita bread, there were mormons across the street and two doors down. Mormons! I rubbed my hands together with glee, and actually cackled when I came back from the store and saw them still there. I love mormons! I couldn't wait for them to ring my bell, ring my bell so that I could go out and talk to them whilst eating hummus and wearing my stocking hat with the little blue ducks on it. Mormons, why did you forsake me? I waited for you, hour after hour, until it was dusk, and I was sure you were miles away on your bicycles. And all I did was couch, and cough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i have a bunch here i could send your way....a few hundred of them...