

Well, I'm on my way to Indianapolis, friends. I currently find myself in Overland Park, Kansas, which is really just a western suburb of Kansas City, over the border from Missouri. My mom has a cousin that lives here, and I'm staying with her and her family, in a visit that was just intended to be overnight last night.

However, the Troops started having some trouble about 30 miles or so west of Topeka. She wasn't able to shift very easily, and suddenly the "check trans" light came on. I nursed the old girl here just after midnight, determined not to get stuck in Dark, Kansas with nothing to help me out. So sleeping in this morning and going out to try again proved to be fruitless, now the Troops either doesn't go into gear at all, or it doesn't go out of first. Which means if the tranny is gone, so is the Troops.

I was going to wait until the morning (it being a Sunday today so nobody is mechanicing) to check it out at some sort of shop and make sure that was the dilly-o, but my mom called about an hour ago and apparently she and my uncle David are making the 7 hour drive out this afternoon/evening with his pickup and car-hauling trailer to give me a tow. Seriously, people, I felt like the world was lifted up off my shoulders. So, we'll get it there, and be able to deal with it later. My folks have a spare car I can use for a while if the old girl is really down for the count, and it's a 1974 volkswagen beetle, so not everything is bad news. And I am in a warm place, with food and family, and the promise of an actually kind of fun day tomorrow when I can hang out with my mom and uncle and road trip.

So that's the story, my little glories. Hope all is well with you.

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